
My Generic Spring Look

So this is pretty much what I choose to wear almost every day.

RayBan Aviators, loose fitting button down with the sleeves rolled up half way, leggings, and a high bun.
You can find me wearing this exact same outfit atleast once every week.  So far I have 3 shirts to choose from that are of similar style.  Two of them are from H&M and this one is from Macy's in the old lady section.  I got it for over 50% off.  The ones from H&M constantly need to be ironed but sometimes they're worn unironed.
I wish that I had bangs sometimes so my hair looks like the photo below.  I need a temporary bang.  A faux-bang.  A FANG!

These are ths new sandals that Sam bought me today.  Isn't he sweet?  It's my first pair of nice flip flops that aren't $1.50 shower shoes.  I'll have to get used to walking in them though.  They fell off a couple times on my way to the car.  I have really fat big toes that have extra meat facing inwards thanks to my dad and sad looking pinky toes thanks to my mom.  Russell ended up having crooked toes on both feet (that are really cute).  His kid will probably end up having 3 toes and their kid will probably end up having no toes.   

At the beginning of the month Russell lost his first tooth.  It had been loose for a long time and we were just going to let it come out on it's own (not with pliers or a slammed door like my mom did to me).  We were playing Wii Sports and Russell hit me in my hip and I pretended to be really hurt and crying so he bent down to give me a kiss on my hip.  He ended up kind of slamming his face into my hip (but not real hard) then noticed the taste of blood.  Then he noticed there was a missing tooth and we had to look for it in the carpet.  Russell was really distracted this whole time by the video game.  For his first tooth the toothfaerie (I spell fairie "faerie" because of Neopets.  That's how they spelled it on there and I liked it.) gave him $1.33.  Reasonable price for a tooth.  He shows everyone he meets his missing tooth.  His other bottom tooth is loose too.  It will be really cute if he has both missing.

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