
My Coupon Experience

So I started on the coupon bandwagon.  I have been doing it for about 3 weeks now.  It's super awesome and a great hobby to have.  Everything pictured below I got for either free or close to free.

These are JUST the toiletries.  And I have wayyyy more coupons that I haven't even redeemed yet.  Also there are 48 rolls of toilet paper that I didn't photograph.  I didn't get the toilet paper for free but it was only $0.16/roll.  I am used to paying around $0.70/roll.  Last Thursday I went to the grocery store and saved 50%.  I am definitely going shopping more often (nearly every day) but I am not spending anything except gas.  I don't even consider myself aggressive as far as the couponing goes.  This is super mild.  I don't go out and buy newspapers.  I print coupons at home and there is usually a limit of two coupons per computer.  Definitely not extreme.

Also, yesterday Sam and Russell bought me an Azalea bush for my Mother's Day present.  So sweet of them.  I used to have one in the back yard that my dog ripped out of the ground when we first got him.  Russell's so cute.

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