
Happy Thanksgiving

This is what Russell told his teacher he's thankful for.
Russell helped me put up the x-mas tree.  It's one of those vintage aluminum ones. 
We also have a color wheel for it. 
Sam made EVERYTHING for our Thanksgiving dinner.  He's awesome.
  Pac Man


Diaper Bag

This is what I have picked to be my diaper bag for my next child.  Before I had one of those free black ones that I probably got for free at a military hospital.  This time around I want it to be more glamorous.
Like this
And about two months after the birth I will look like this


Guess who I saw today

Today at work I saw Kayla Travers.  I went up to her and double checked that it was her.  I hope she doesn't think I'm weird because I think that Karlie Kloss and her sister think I'm super weird.


Tower Taco

I couple weeks ago I found a new favorite place.  I know it's been around a long time and I'm just slow on the uptake.  Tower Taco on Cherokee (same block as Peridot and STyLe House) has such a large menue of Tex Mex and European eats.  It's run by a husband and wife team.  The husband cooks while the wife waits on tables.  They're the only people that work there.  What I ordered was the Burrito Callifornia.  It's only about $8 and enough food for two people.  I used my hand and a salt shaker for comparison.  It's also topped with Mole. 
Tonight I'm making Hamburger Helper and I will pretend that I am eating the Burrito California.

And the Deathly Amounts of Dialogue

We recently put in new walls and ceiling.  Now we're afraid to put anything on the walls.

This is how my nails were this weekend.  They remind me of Gwen Stefani.

Russell fell asleep while we were watching Harry Potter. 
We got a couch!  I waiting 1 1/2 hours before showtime for a couch.  Victory is mine.


It's my first time

Ask my husband and he will probably tell you that I am spending too much time either looking at nail youtube videos or painting my nails.  There's one girl who has amazing videos.  I think she's asian and fron denmark.  Maybe half asian.
Here I am attempting a lollipop with a yellow ribbon. 
Here is a Burberry inspired design that is a couple days old and that's why it's chipped.

Chanel.  Ehh.

Hello Kitty.

My first cupcake.  6 colors.

Coach.  This one gave me lots of problems.

This was an attempt at a fading red orange and yellow with corresponding glitters.


First Attempt

So I bought some stuff from a Korean store and tried to make some things. 
I'm pretty happy with the houndstooth design.  I will probably do that more. 
The shapes were super duper hard and I couldn't figure it out yet.  It looks really easy online. 
Maybe my brush is too wet but otherwise I feel like the powder is too dry.
Here on my right hand (since I'm right handed),
I decided to do a gradiant sparkle polish with star shapes on the tip. 
I bought a bunch of those shapes but I only opened the star one. 
I have about 8 different shapes. 
Here and below I tried not to use flash because I like it better that way but I kept shaking really bad. 

This is what I wore yesterday at work.  Out of six days I wore this black shirt 3 times. 
 I am getting my money's worth!

I want to do Nails!

I really want to learn to be a Nail Tech so I can do nails for money.  I think that there is a market here where I live of anime kids with extra cash that would like for their nails to make them feel more Asian.  I need to find a nail supply store stat!


The Shins

My husband makes fun of me for calling Ramen Noodles "Ramyun." 
Get with it!


Sometimes I like to party

I don't get out much but when I do I usually have an awesome time.  The people on either side of me where having a joint birthday party.  Saves you time AND money.  Efficiency.

All of the pictures that I took had Casey's eyes looking like this.  I decided NOT to edit because sometimes it's funny.  The girl in the middle was hilarious and I'm glad I met her.


My sunglasses aren't crooked.  My eyebrows are.